Today I received my second package from Influenster! This was a special box put out by Palmolive about their new Fresh Infusions dish soap. I've passed these in the stores a lot and always wanted to try them but never had the money to pick it up so needless to say I was estatic to get this in the mail. If you don't know what Influenster is, please check out
this article I wrote on what it is.

This is the box I received this morning and I was so happy! When I opened the box I was pleasantly surprised. The first thing I spotted was the card!

If you can't read that tiny tiny print it says:
"Congratulations! You have been hand-selected to test the new Palmolive Fresh Infusions dish liquid!
Palmolive Fresh Infusions was designed with elegant simplicity and the freshest scents in mind. The clean you've always trusted from Palmolive blends with naturally inspired fragrance for the freshest kitchen around!
In your box, you'll find three naturally inspired fragrances:
- Ginger White Tea
- Lemon Thyme
- Lime Basil
Choose your favorite scent to keep for yourself, then select one to share with a girlfriend. We wouldn't want to make your other friends jealous though, so you'll also find 5 coupons for $1.50 off to share with others.
Happy Dishwashing!"
So I was like, wow okay cool! Not only do I get to use it, I get to share it with friends as well! So I chose my "girlfriend" to be one of my bestfriends, my memay. I know she washes her dishes all the time so I figured I'd let her get in on this new fresh action!
So followed by that, I saw the next item.

There were 5 of these bad boys in there! This is save $1.50 on ONE! That's half off! Talk about generous! These are awesome as they do not expire until May. I thought that was a very nice thing for them to throw in there. I do feel bad for some of my fellow influenster girls as their boxes didn't have any coupons because they had slipped out of the box (they were placed on top of the contents). I'm very thankful that my box came together very nicely.
Now what you've all been waiting for...the soaps!

These are the gorgeous dish soaps! 3 FULL SIZED BOTTLES (16 FL OZ)! How awesome is that?I love everything about the bottle. They really are so simple and I like that they're not shaped awkwardly like most dish soap bottles because they can stand up without knocking everything off the sink. There was one thing that a lot of Influenster girls experienced and that was when they received the package one or two of the bottles had actually spilled all over the box and the rest of the contents. As much as I love the bottle design, I believe they need to change the nozzle of it. I opened my Ginger White Tea (the pink one) and closed it as much as I could, and it still leaked out. They don't click shut like they should and there is no protective cover over them in case they were to spill. I almost wish it had a close top like Dawn has.

Of course, this is the Lime Basil scented dish soap. This smells so good! You can definitely smell the Lime and the hint of basil, but it's not too overpowering. The lime scent isn't an artificial lime aroma, you can tell that it is indeed natural which is something I like a lot because some dish soaps can smell chemically or just fake in general. This is prominently lime but at the end of the sniff you can smell the basil lingering around. It's actually a quite pleasant scent. This is one of the two I've decided to keep.

This, obviously, is the Lemon Thyme. I love lemon, and this is a very soft lemon scent. It's the perfect amount of lemon, but oddly enough I cannot get the Thyme smell. To me it smells like straight up lemon. My dad said that he could smell it, but I think he's looney :) I do however enjoy it, but will be giving this one to my Memay. Like the Lime soap, this one most certainly has a natural scent compared to an artificial.

Last but certainly not least, is the one I tried out myself, Ginger White Tea. May I ask you something Palmolive? Have you thought of making perfume? I mean...I guess people wouldn't want to walk around smelling like dish soap, but this scent is just so amazing I want to wear it :) I don't think walking around all soaped up will work though...things might get slippery. ANYWAYS, this is a very beautiful florally (once again, another word not in the dictionary, I should really become a dictionary writer huh?) scent. As I've said, I already tried this out, and can honestly say I love it. I have gotten red bumps whenever I used various dish soaps throughout the years, and those red bumps would itch, and then I'd scratch them, and my arms would turn into a giant mess of red welts. Well, with this I had NO bumps which in turn equalled NO itching! :) So not only am I a happy camper about that, but it cleaned my dishes AWESOMELY! I had a dish that had caked on chocolate (or something else brown...I hope it wasn't...well...) and I threw it in the soapy water, took it out about a minute or so later, and it was almost gone without me having to scrub it at all (of course I did anyways to get the residue off of it). I found that this soap left my dishes sparkling clean, I was literally so impressed by it. I can't wait to use my coupons!
I would like to thank Influenster again for sending me this AWESOME package, I'm so grateful to be a part of this awesome program.
These awesome soaps can be purchased at ANY Walmart! :)
Visit Palmolive's website
HEREVisit Influenster's website
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