Hello! I'm here to bring you another website that I use to get products to do reviews! This one is Smiley 360. This is my 3rd mission from them, and my 1st with this new blog. Previously, I had received Orajel Cold Sore swabs, and Wicked Cool Tom's of Maine toothpaste. I will be presenting my missions to you all when I receive them through this site like I do with BzzAgent and Influenster!
Smiley 360 is another awesome program that you join and receive free products to review and give your opinion on. The link will be below if you decide you want to try this out for yourself. This mission was for the new Campbell's Go Soup! I received a few fun items as well as my soup and coupons!
This is the kit I received! I'm sorry for the crappy quality in these pictures, for some reason, my camera couldn't pick up the colors very well. I believe this was because of the contrast between the lights I'm using, and the orange/white colors of the products. Anyways, as you can see, I received a "thought bubble" paddle, a package of Campbell's Go Soup, a card that explains what to do with all of my stuff, temporary mustache tattoos, and coupons! :) I, of course, was very happy with this package.
This is the first thing I got when I opened my box. It's just a card stating the rules of being a Smiley member, and on the back it had some stuff to do with all of my fun items, yadda yadda yadda.

Next, I of course got the Go Soup! This one is in Spicy Chorizo & Pulled Chicken with Black Beans. What a mixture, but to be honest, I had no idea what Chorizo is, so I had to Google it. It's basically smoked sausage, which had I known that, I might not have opted for this one, but who knows, it might be good! I still haven't tried this yet, because I have been very sick for the past week and haven't really had an appetite. I have tried another version of Campbell's Go Soup in Coconut Curry with Chicken and Shitake Mushrooms, and couldn't even stomach the first bite. It was SO gross, gave it to my mom to try, and she thought the same thing, so hopefully this one will be better and give be a better perception of these soups.
This particular soup, according to Campbell's website, which will be linked bellow, has "Thick slices of spicy sausage with sweet corn, black beans and juicy ribbons of pulled chicken." Which, actually, sounds VERY appealing.

I also received an awesome Thought Bubble paddle! I got excited because I thought it was dry erasable at first, but it isn't. It's still awesome though! This is just a fun little extra thrown in to get you posting pictures about your soup. With being sick and all, I decided not to personally take a picture of myself with it, so I had a little guest help me out, and that will be posted below.

Another fun item were these temporary mustache tattoos! I love these! My mom had recently bought some of these for my nieces and I (we're only 9 years difference between me and my oldest one) and we had SO much fun with them, so I'm happy to have more! They came in: The Doc, The Villain, The Wrestler, The Chief, The Strongman, The Barber, The Investigator and The Anchorman. Once again, this was just a fun item put in to help with the mission.

Lastly, I received 10, $2.00/1 coupons! HOLY CRAP! That's so awesome, because around where I live, they usually go on sale for 2/$3.00. I plan on giving a few to my grandmother and sister. These were an AWESOME addition to the package.

Now, here is my buddy helping me with my photo! This is Teddy Bearschi from the New England Pawtriots. (Omfg, I'm so corny, but seriously.) He was a birthday present one year from my grandparents when I was deep into Build-A-Bear, he's one of the very few I still have left that I hold close to my heart. Yes, a 20 year old girl can STILL have stuffed animals, don't judge! I realize now that he's supposed to be holding the sign with his other paw, but I'm not thinking clearly with this cold, so I do what I can, and I was too lazy to retake it :)
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