"Did you know there are three causes of sweat- heat, movement and stress? Stress sweat comes from a different gland, so it actually smells the worst. Secret Clinical strength Stress Response in Serene Citrus (what a mouth full) is uniquely formulated to protect you from all three causes of sweat, especially stress sweat. It's proven 4x more effective at protecting against stress-induced underarm wetness than the wetness protection required of an ordinary antiperspirant."
Now, I'm not going to lie. I've always been one to have to use both antiperspirant AND deodorant (since I was literally 9 or 10) because being an active kid, and hitting puberty pretty early, I began to sweat and stink terribly bad! But some deodorants I have used in the past, don't cover up the smell, and it's extremely embarrassing, especially when you already plastered deodorant on and it just didn't work! So a few years ago, I was sent a sample of the Secret Clinical Strength deodorant (now, I'm not sure if it's when it first came out, or was first re-introduced, but it was a "new" product) and I was SO in love with it! I've never had something stop both the sweat and the smell as good as that had, but the problem was that I couldn't afford to pay $12 a month for just a deodorant, so I had to stick with the basics, switching between Secret, Degree, and Lady Stick.
I was overly excited when I received this in my box! I literally gasped! I was so happy to see that I would be able to, again, live without the wetness and stench. This deodorant is AWESOME! I never knew that there were different causes (or smells) of sweat until I got this product and looked into it! How neat/gross is that?! Anyways, as I was saying, this deodorant works JUST as well as the original Clinical Strength, but you have more protection than before! The smell is delicious, it makes me just want to eat it, although I can guarantee that won't taste too good...
I've put this on and left it on for a good day and a half, and it STILL lasted! I smelled just as fresh as the day I put it on, and it masked the smell and wetness perfectly. One instance, was actually a week ago. I'm petrified of the Dentist, but had not seen one in quite some time, so I had made an appointment. The day of the appointment finally came creeping up around the corner (luckily I had already received my generous VoxBox), and I was getting nervous and stressed out. While I was getting ready, I slathered some nicely smelling Clinical Strength Stress Response on, and went on my way. I was able to sit in the dentists chair without my jacket on, and not have to worry whether they could see my sweat, or smell my stench. It worked PERFECTLY! Also, for me, this does NOT leave any marks on black clothing, which is great! If you are worried about that, I'd put it on, let it dry for a few minutes, and then put said black shirt on.
The one thing that gets me is the price. I know it's "prescription strength" deodorant, but in this day, I can not afford to pay the $7.99-$9.99 that this product costs. I would purchase this again having a coupon, or on sale. Other than that, I could afford 4-5 different deodorants for the price of this 1. I do feel that this product is absolutely worth every cent, but the economy keeps me from being able to purchase it.
I would like to say thank you to both Influenster and Secret for the great deodorant! :)
great review :)