"Beauty is bold. Beauty is kind. Beauty is self-expression and emotion, inner glow then outer glow. We are here to enhance these elements for you and help make it easier in maintaining a compassionate lifestyle. At Petit Vour, we don’t let our ethics get in the way of being fashionable -- we let them fuel it! Our mission is to provide access to the best animal-free products and make kindness the standard in the luxury beauty market because we believe that animals shouldn't have to sacrifice their lives for our pursuit of beauty. Animals, like humans, are to be loved.
In the Beauty world, luxury is no longer exclusive to labels who rely on animals for testing. After years of scouring, we have sifted through the clutter to find high-quality makeup, skin care products, and more that meet both your ethical and beauty needs. We seek out niche brands from across the country as well as tried-and-true brands we simply adore. We aren’t kidding when we say that we are obsessed with makeup and about making the best choices when it comes to our products. We’re compulsively nitpicky so that you don’t have to be.
We hold ourselves to high standards, so that we can be your leading resource for cruelty-free beauty products. When you join Petit Vour, you are joining a community and movement of fashion and awareness. You are contributing to the beauty industry in a positive way. You are casting your vote, supporting companies that are both conscious and of pure quality. Here’s a toast to you! For being bold and being kind. ♥ "
This means a lot to me as I'm a HUGE animal lover! (Owner of 8 cats, and 2 dogs!) so I'm very pleased to know that this company really works hard to bring you items from other companies that have the same ethical feelings as you. This box is $15 a month, 3 months (one time payment of $43) or 6 months (one time payment of $82). That being said, lets get onto this box!
The first thing is the product card!
"Why settle for a small sample...We're giving away full sized items for FREE!"
This is a $15 Gift Certificate or a super coupon making the "Mini Starter Kit" only $15! Now, it does say "Completely Free", but alas, it wasn't. You still had to pay shipping which was $5.25. But instead of being a jank company like some out there, Petit Vour saddled up and made everything right. They gave their paying subscribers the equivalent of the $5.25 in PV Points, and for the bloggers who weren't subscribers? Oh they did the next best thing, GAVE us the money for shipping! How nice are they? Really, that shows they're all about their customers, so already off to a good start with me! I love a company who values their customers, and make things right like this. So I will be ordering a lipstick from them in the color Magma/Rose. They seem to have a lot of good products on their website, but a lot of them are very dull, natural colors. I like that in eyeshadows, but not in lip products, and if a site offers lip products, I go for them :P
The product card reads:
"Mineral Hygenics|Gift Certificate: Foundation, eyes, lips and starter kits made without the harmful fillers, stabilizers, dyes, perfumes, talc and petro-chemicals that are often inundated in cosmetic products today."
This product is actually worth $20.25 which is the cost of the box itself...the rest is almost like freebies :)
This was one of the items I kind of looked at in disgust. I'm very turned off by foil packets, so when I saw this I kind of got disappointed. After reading what this product is supposed to do, I got very excited. I have blackheads all over my face, along with huge pores, so I'm excited to try this out and see what it can do for my face. I'm not however excited about the full price...
For a 120 ml bottle of this product, it is $45.00. This 2 ml sample is worth, roughly, $0.76
I most likely won't be using this as I don't really do eye creams. I'm not really concerned with under eye puffiness or circles...I only get them when I don't get enough sleep, which I try to do every night. I will be passing this onto my mom, who is starting to get into that stuff :)
The full sized, 15 ml jar is $62.00! Making this 2 ml sample $8.26! That's CRAZY that a foil packet is worth $8!
"(SKINGEN)X|(Anti-Wrinkle Comple)X, (Eye Comple)X, & X(Foliator): A proprietary formulation of neuropeptides, anti-oxidants, collagen boosters and nourishing plant extracts, made with NO harmful chemicals"
While I'm only in my young adult years, I don't know if I'll find myself using this product. I like that it makes your face softer and more radiant, but it seems that it's for mostly wrinkles. I know some doctors say you should watch your wrinkles as soon as possible, but I just can't find myself caring that much about them right now. It's one of those things, to me, that I'll take care of when the time comes. I may still use this product to feel the softness of the face, but I may also share the love with my mom. I'm on the fence...
The full size 50 ml container is a whopping $95.00! This sample, according to various blogs online, is roughly $23.75! HOLY CRAP! I couldn't find myself spending $23 on this let alone $95 for a bigger size...imagine how many subscription boxes you could purchase with that money! Crazy!
The next product is this 1.7 fl oz sample of Acorelle White Orchid perfume. I know a lot of people who don't like getting these perfume samples, but I really enjoy them. I think it's a great way to have a lot of different scents, and be able to have a good selection to switch off between without having to buy the full size of each product! On the inside of the card, it says that White Orchid perfume eases stress and excessive emotions thanks to orange and sandlewood essential oils. I can see this being totally true as the scent is very calming.
"Baudelaire|Acorelle Perfume: Fine French Fragrance- made with organic alcohol and 100% natural fragrance materials. No synthetic fragrance. No phthalates."
This perfume has a completely soothing scent! I love this stuff so much! It smells like vacation to me. I'm so glad I got this :)
The full size, from what I could translate off of their website, costs about $30.70, making this 1.7 fl oz sample about $0.93
"Barre|Pirouette Cinnamon Pecan: The classic pairing of cinnamon and nuts stars in this chewy, ooey, gooey bar-think crumb cake meets cookie dough."
Err...I don't quite agree with them. I've heard mixed reviews of these, some saying they're the best thing they've ever had, and some saying they're disgusting. I went into this thinking that it was an abomination. Fortunately, for me, I was wrong. This was actually very tasty, a little strong, but still tasty. This however was NOTHING like what it's labled on the card...there is nothing ooey, gooey and cookie dough about this bar. It looks and has the texture of a typical natural bar...
These bars are $2.50 a piece.
TOTAL: $56.45
Overall, I think this box and company is actually really good! I think that the customer service for this box is out of this world, and I feel that the cost is well worth what comes in the box. I love the fact that they bring vegan and cruelty free products and companies to your door without you having to spend time searching. It's a win-win! I would like to see less foil packets, as I feel that if I were to purchase a box, and get foil packets, it's not worth the money. Foil packets are something that anyone could get by emailing the company themselves...I like to see packaging that allows the product to be used more than once so you can get a feel for it and see if it really is what you'd like.
Big thank you to the wonderful ladies over at Petit Vour! :)
[…] 2013 Petit Vour in my mail box! I was so excited! I had reviewed the June box, which you can read here, that was very give or take for a lot of people. My first impression wasn’t that great, but […]