Thursday, July 11, 2013

Bulu Box & Bulu Weightloss June 2013 Unboxing & Reviews!

I will be posting the Original Bulu Box and Bulu Box Weightloss in one blog instead of multiple :) This is of the June 2013 boxes!

For those who don’t know, the original Bulu Box is a monthy subscription service in which you pay $10 a month for a box of 4-5 premium samples plus lifestyle extras from time to time. As the first and only vitamin and supplement sample box, this box includes a well-rounded sampling of vitamins and supplements that help in all areas of health. Every box is a feel good discovery.

Bulu Box Weightloss is a monthly subscription service in which you pay $10 a month for a box of 4-5 premium weight loss samples such as vitamin and supplement samples, fitness gear and healthy eating tools. The first and only weight loss subscription box, this box was designed with the specific goal of weight loss in mind. Discover products to help you succeed with weight loss.

I will be reviewing and unboxing the Original Bulu first!

058Here is my regular Bulu Box! It comes with a card that tells you about the items, a card that explained how June was their Birthday Month, and 2 pamphlets that were for 2 products in the box. I will go down the list according to the card :)

066The first item is this BioVi Probiotic Anditoxidant Blend. From the card:
"BioVi Probiotic: BioVi supports the healthy bacteria within the stomach to improve digestion and nutrient absorption. Absorb food better and increase metabolism. BioVi also supports a protective barrier in the GI tract giving your stomach 360 coverage."

Woo hoo, 30 capsules, full sized product, right?!

067Wrong...there were only 2 capsules in it. How misleading! I was very disappointed to see that it only contained 2. There was NO need for the bigger box considering they included a pamphlet about the product and it said it on the back of the capsule packaging. I was super excited to see a 30 capsule "sample", because I have IBS and have to take probiotics anyways, so I was hoping it would be true to packaging, until I picked it up and felt it was extremely light. This, I feel, was a bad part on both Bulu and BioVi. The good thing is that I get 2 servings, because 1 serving size is 1 pill. I haven't tried this yet as I'm about to do a Study for IBS and don't want to screw anything up.

An ACTUAL 30 Capsule box is $28.70 (SALE: $19.99), making each pill $0.95 a piece, and gives them a total of $1.90.

069Next up is this 2 tablet sample of BluCetin Natural Hangover Protection. These tablets are supposed to protect, restore and recover you from a night out drinking. You can take this pill before you start drinking, while you're drinking or after you've drank something. This is very interesting, so I'm going to dive onto the product's pamphlet card.

Before Drinking

  • Protect the brain and liver from the impact of alcohol

  • Reduce alcohol sensitivities

  • Remain alert and in control

During Drinking:

  • Maintain a higher level of alertness and control

  • Protect mental clarity while still enjoying the "buzz"

  • Accelerate the clearance of alcohol from the body

After Drinking:

  • Accelerate the clearance of alcohol

  • Protect against hangover symptoms

  • Wake up refreshed with a good night's sleep

Now, I don't drink a lot. I get drunk probably about 2 times a year, if that. Sometimes not at all. I definitely will keep these on hand though for when I do (after all, my 21st is coming up in a couple months) From the Bulu card:
"BluCetin: Take two tablets prior to drinking to lessen the impact of alcohol. Try it during drinking to accelerate the clearance of alcohol from the body or after to protect against a hangover without losing the buzz. Two tablets produce great results for most, if you're sensitive to alcohol you can try four."

Well thanks for telling us we can try four, Bulu, when you only gave 2 tablets! Anyways, I can't wait to use these because I get massive hangovers when I drink. I think it's cool that they've come out with something to allow you to have some fun without losing your buzz! :)

You can get 30 Tablets for $39.99 (SALE: $34.99), making each tablet $1.33, and the total sample value to be $2.66

068Next was this 4 oz package of FlapJacked Protein Pancake Mix in Banana Hazelnut. This mix has no additives, preservatives or artificial ANYTHING. It has 16 grams of protein per half cup serving, as well as 4 grams of fiber. From the card:
"FlapJacked Protein Pancakes: Breakfast defines your day. Kick-start your metabolism with all natural ingredients like quinoa, whole oats, and lean muscle-building whey protein isolate. With 17 grams of protein, FlapJacked is a delicious, energizing breakfast option."

I absolutely LOVED these pancakes! My little Chihuahua also did! They were so delicious, the only thing that wasn't good is that they burned super easily. I think they tasted like french toast, which I'm in love with. Of course, with this packet, I couldn't feel a different protein wise, but the taste was fantastic.

You can purchase a 15 serving bag for $17.99, making this 2 serving packet $2.40

065Next in the box is this 3 gram sample of Eat Green Tea! This packet is a daily serving of green tea that contains the same antioxidants found in 30 cups of tea. The package says that you can sprinkle it on top of just about anything. You can even put it in smoothies or shakes! From the card:
"EatGreenTea: Just 1 tablespoon of organic leaves increases antioxidant intake by almost 10,000%! Grown organic, EatGreenTea can help revamp your diet and keep your system clear of harmful free radicals."

I'm very intrigued by this product. I've heard Green Tea can help with weightloss or keeping your weight sustained. I however hate hot tea, so I never drink it. I'm happy to be able to have it in a form like this so I can eat it or put it in a shake or something. I love that there are different ways to get the same health benefits as drinking it!

You can purchase a 30 day supply for $19.99, making this bag about $0.67

060The last item in the Regular Bulu Box is this 14 liquid capsule sample bottle of Shapeology Burn Blend. This pill mimics the effects of high metabolism to help you lose weight fast! From the card:
"Shapeology Burn Blend: Most thermogenics help blast fat. Shapeology sends it running. With clinically proven weight loss ingredients, Shapeology mimics the effects of high metabolism to help you lose weight fast. Plus, it's liquid delivery system means you can feel it working immediately."

I haven't tried this product yet, but I'm very excited to. It comes with 14 capsules which is a weeks supply, so it should be just enough to see if you feel a difference. I most likely will not be able to try this until my IBS study is done, but I still can't wait!

You can purchase a 60 capsule bottle (months supply) for $39.99, making this 14 capsule bottle $9.38! What an awesome value!

TOTAL: $17.01 

This box ended up having a lot of usable items for me, and was even $7.01 OVER the cost of the box! AWESOME! :) I was very pleased, but did see a lot of people complaining about it. I however thought it BLEW last months away (which was almost all foil packets).

Next up is Bulu Weightloss!

059Here is my Bulu Weightloss Box :) Again, I was very pleased with this one too! This was my first Weightloss one, but I will be ordering both from now on. Sometimes you get some of the same items in both, but it's good to be able to try things out more than once to see if it really works for you. This box came with the product information card, the Birthday Ad, and a Theragesic card.

062The first item up is this PowerIce freeze pop in Orange Blast. The package says "Frozen is the next generation in sport hydration." It contains electrolytes, but has no caffeine, fruit juice or high fructose corn syrup. From the card:
"PowerIce: Electrolytes and energy to power you through your workout. Why frozen? PowerIce cools the body before and during exercise to keep it at a normal state, increasing performance and endurance. Just throw them in the freezer and enjoy a popsicle with a healthy boost."

I haven't tried this, but I'm excited! I think it'll taste like frozen Gatorade, which would be AWESOME! I love that it's in a freeze pop form because I sometimes don't like to drink while working out or after working out, so this would be the perfect alternative.

You can purchase 10 bars for $12.99 making this one $1.30 

061Next up is this 4 ct. pack of GU Chomps in Strawberry. These little chews have amino acids, Vitamin C + E, caffeine, and Electrolytes. From the card:
"GU Energy Strawberry Chomps: The delicious taste of strawberry and the lean muscle building amino acids your body craves. With a blend of electrolytes, antioxidants, and amino acids these chews help power through your day as well as in the gym."

From the package:
GU Chomps deliver the premium ingredients and performance benefits you’ve come to expect from GU Energy Products:

  • Amino Acids for added focus, rippin’ energy and speedy recovery.

  • Vitamin C + E, those mighty antioxidants that combat tissue breakdown.

  • Sodium and potassium to restore electrolyte balance

  • Exclusive blend of complex and simple carbohydrates

All in all, a superior choice to propel you in your athletic pursuits.”

I have tried the Lemon version of this that came in the May Runner Box. My niece and I ate this pack like we did the last, but I personally didn't find the strawberry ones as good, so I had 1 and she had 3. Of course, for a kid, caffeine chews probably aren't the best idea, but she handled them pretty well. She did get a little jolt of energy, but when doesn't a child?

You can purchase a box of 16 packets for $28.99, these packets include 8 bits, so this sample size roughly is $0.91

063Next is this .125 oz foil packet of Thera-Gesic. This is a maximum strength analgesic that is used for the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints. It's easy to apply, non-staining and absorbs quickly into the skin leaving the area dry. From the card:
"Thera-Gesic: Relieve muscle aches and stiffness with an easy to apply creme formula. This formula absorbs faster and more efficiently than the leading pain reliever cremes. Thera-Gesic is greaseless and non-staining, perfect for use before getting ready for the day or your long run."

I haven't tried this because I don't really get pains, and if I do I'm very tolerant to them. I will be passing this on to my mom who has frequent neck/shoulder and elbow pain.

You can purchase a 5 oz tube for $6.99, and with my bad math skills, I just threw a $0.14 tag on it.

064Next in my box was this 0.71 oz packet of Power Fuel by Twin Lab. This is a Pre-Training Exercise Activator powder that has many benefits. Some of the benefits include:

  • Intense Focus

  • Ignites Strength & Size Gains

  • Sustains Energy

  • Promotes Pump

  • Boosts Performance

  • Fights Fatigue

From the card:
"Twin Lab Power Fuel: Take your workout to the next level. With nonstop energy, intensified focus and unyielding power, Power Fuel will produce your best workout ever. See results faster by being able to give 1000% everytime."

I haven't used this yet, and not sure if I'll like it. I like that it fights fatigue, but it doesn't say a flavor on it. I usually like my energy drinks and supplement drinks to actually have a good flavor to it because if it doesn't, I can't physically drink it. (Or maybe mentally...;)) I will definitely give this a shot though! What do I really have to lose?

You can purchase a canister with 40 servings for $38.95 making this 1 serving packet $0.96 

The last two products are ones I already had above, so I'm not going to bother re-writing about them.

065EatGreenTea. About $0.67 

060Shapeology Burn Blend$9.38 


TOTAL: $13.36 

While the weightloss box didn't have a amazing value, it was still over the original $10 cost of the box, so at least you got your money's worth. I really liked this box, and liked all the energy items it had in it. I'm always looking for new ways to get energy, so this is a perfect box for me! I like that it came with another bottle of Burn Blend, so now it gives me 2 weeks of trying it out instead of 1.








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