A few days ago I received the second month of the
Little Passports World Edition subscription box. If you're not sure what
Little Passports is, check out my original blog post
here about the World Edition Discovery Starter kit! This subscription box is different than others, with the fact that instead of receiving a box of different things every month, you receive a package with items that incorporate whatever Country they visit that month. Depending on where you are in your subscription, you may get a different package than others in any one given month. After the Discovery Kit, you get the first month, it is the same for everyone who has already received the discovery kit, which is the Country Brazil! My niece and I were so excited to see this in the mailbox! We loved the Discovery Kit, and knew we'd love this as well!

This is the envelope we received! As you can see there is a Little Passports stamp above, and a Brazil stamp below! :)

This is the opening letter with the cool Brazil Stamp on it! The letter reads:
"Hi! Sofia and I are about to travel home from our trip to the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.
Here's how we got there- we went to my aunt's house after school and told the scooter's GPS system to take us to Brazil. FOOP! We landed next to a huge river. There were animal and insects everywhere, including toucans, frogs and ants. All of a sudden, Sofia started poking me. A bust next to us was crying! Sofia whispered that it wasn't the bush that was crying but possibly a dangerous animal!
Against Sofia's warnings, I poked my head into the bush and saw that the crying was coming from a red uakari monkey (luckily, it wasn't an anaconda, the widest and heaviest snake in the world!). I was amazed because red uakari monkeys are so rare. They are an endangered species with a reddish/orange coat and a bright red face! The monkey said his name was Danilo and that fruit and caterpillars were his favorite food.
Danilo said he was hiding in the bushes because he was being hunted by a man named Thiago. Danilo was scared and didn't know what to do, but Sofia came up with an idea. She pulled out a map and showed us an amethyst mine nearby in Maraba. She said that if we hid Danilo in the mind overnight, maybe Thiago would give up.
We hopped on our scooter and instructed it to go to the amethyst mines in Maraba. We explored the safe parts of the mine and found many beautiful amethysts. We have sent you one so that you can see how neat an amethyst is.
In the morning, we took Danilo back to the rainforest. Thiago was nowhere to be found! Sofia and I were so relieved and decided that it was time to go home. I've had fun in Brazil, but I can't wait to see my own bed.
Sam and Sofia"

The first item in the package was this months Boarding Pass! With each month you'll receive a boarding pass with a unique code on the back to punch in on Little Passport's website! The codes bring up games, quizzes, and other random, fun stuff! You can add your Boarding Passes onto the handle of your Suitcase! :)

Next is the Passport Stamp and the Map Marker! I love that the package includes a little sticker of a thumb tack, so cute! The passport stamp goes in your passport under the Country Stamps section of the book.

A's first Country Stamp! So cute! I love that the sticker is transparent. I think it makes it look so neat! :)

A stuck the Map Marker on Manaus! (We got Maraba and Manaus mixed up, she wanted to put it on Maraba, unfortunately it's not located on the map, so this was the next best :P)

Next was a Federal Republic of Brazil sticker for A's Suitcase! I love that it gives a stamp for the passport and a sticker for the suitcase so you can show off the places you've "been". :)

Here it is on A's dinged up suitcase (darn cats!). I can't wait to see this FILLED with them! :)

Next was an awesome photo of Danilo, the Red Uakari Monkey! In case you didn't read the letter, Sam and Sofia came across him while in the Rainforest. His favorite foods are fruit and catepillars :P I'm thinking of getting A a photo album for all of the photos she receives! It could be an awesome book to look back at :)

Next is the activity sheet for this month! One side included a hidden animal search. In the search A had to find 8 different animals :) This was super cute!

Here's a picture of the little Hippy doing her activity sheet! She loved having to use the map for the other side of the sheet which was:

This! As you can see, she messed up the second one so I had to fix it. This side included a South America Scramble which meant she had to use the map that came in her Discovery Kit to unscramble the different countries that share a Boarder with Brazil. Then below she had to do a Portuguese Word Search, which gave the words for an item, for example Amazon, in both English and Portuguese (Amazonia is the alternative). This would reveal where next month is...and truthfully, I can't wait! It's JAPAN! I told A that I hope Little Passports can fit a personal sushi chef in the envelope next month ;)

Last but not least was the awesome collectible for the month! This was a beautiful Amethyst stone! In case you didn't read the letter above, Sam and Sofia went to an Amethyst Mine in Maraba Brazil, and sent this back to A. She was shocked at how gorgeous it was, and she was super excited to receive it! She loves the fact that it's layered.

Here is the stone with the letter that states where it came from! So neat that it's all incorporated into the storyline.
To be honest, I can't get over this subscription service. I truthfully love it so much, and think that every single kid on this planet needs to be introduced to it. It's the perfect way to learn about new cultures and countries while having fun doing it! I'll be honest, I was never one for Social Studies or Geography, but had I had this when I was little, I would have jumped up for it quickly. I actually get excited when I see things from Little Passports because it's just so innovative and fun, and I'm an adult! It's also a good way to spend quality time with the selected family member(s). I'm so looking forward to next months package! If you want to get in on this AWESOME box, click
*I received this product for the purpose of reviewing. This does not affect my thoughts on this service. Every opinion I have wrote comes from my head, heart and soul, and not the company's. I endorse this product because I really, really love it and feel people should be introduced to it.
Little Passports
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