Okay...let be first start off by saying, when I saw this box, I squealed with delight, and almost peed my pants. A little background on me, I'm absolutely OBSESSED with the Japanese Food Culture. Honestly, I went to my local grocery stores to see what they had, and of course they didn't have a lot. I did however find Shrimp Puffs. They were like Cheetos but Shrimp Flavored! They were SO gross, but I was so intrigued. I've spent hours upon hours trying to look up ways to be able to get food from there, shipped here for cheap, but there really is no way. I came across this box, and I'm not even sure how. I contacted them, and we got to talking, and I was sent this box. This was their first box, and was for media/bloggers. Their first box for outside consumers ships out in August. If you haven't guessed already,
SkoshBox is a Japanese Subscription Box! Ahhh! Can you feel my excitement through the computer?! Each month you get handpicked goodies, stationary and trinkets STRAIGHT from Japan, for, get this,
$12 a month!!!!! FREE SHIPPING! Are you serious?! You KNOW I will be jumping onto this box, even if I have to sell my soul! My birthday is in October...and I know what I'm asking for. And get this...if you use the code
POLISH18 by July 15th (I know...it's the 4th, I'm sorry, I've been sick...you still have more than 10 days to use it) you'll receive a FREE mystery gift! THANK YOU CANDICE (she's one of the owners over at
SkoshBox, super nice and awesome!). I can't WAIT for next month's box, I'm going to have to order it now! Now that I've got THIS excitement out of the way, let's move onto the Japanese goodies!

This was my box! It came with SO MANY goodies! I literally gasped...it's amazing. We're not talking 1 or 2 items. We're talking 11 different items, PLUS some came with doubles! AMAZING! :) It's like $1 an item...and it takes MORE to ship it here from Japanese websites (trust me...I've tried).

This is the classy, elegant card. On the back it tells of the products...but of course, I never take pictures of that part because I don't like ruining the surprise for my readers ;) I'm going to go through each item as it's listed on this card.

The first item in this months SkoshBox is this Look Chocolate Bar by Fujiya! Well...actually they're more like little chocolate squares. From Look(ing, heh heh I'm clever) online, I found out that Look is a very classic confectioners treat in Japan! It's contents are of Milk and Azuki. I actually had to look Azuki up and I found out it's actually a red bean. Beans in chocolate...that's exactly why I LOVE Japanese culture! Also, this has green tea filling, which is actually the green part of the candy! From the info card:
"Look Chocolate| Chocolate Bars with a green tea filling, and two savory centers: Milk and Azuki!"

Now, my parents aren't as open minded when it comes to tasting these snacks. This one in particular, I absolutely LOVED. I thought the flavoring was perfect, and to be honest, couldn't taste a "bean" flavor. Imagine what my mom is going to think when I tell her the reason she didn't like it was because it had beans in it... 0:) I loved the green tea flavor, it really was different, but delicious. The chocolate was kind of plain, which made the fillings really stand out. I also really loved the packaging. I'm in love with the look of Japanese packaging, and this one really is awesome. You open the little flap where it says "open" and instead of that being that, there's a tab so you can close the box back up! Then inside the box is a foil wrapper with leaves on it, in which you open up, and your candies are sitting on a cardboard piece. Such intricate, wonderful packing. While I'm not sure I'd eat this every day, it was definitely a change. I went on the Fujiya
website, and saw that this brand (Look) has a LOT of different flavors.
Mom: Gross...
Dad: Not overly sweet, something in it tastes like Fortune Bubble. (
Side Note: I had no idea what Fortune Bubble was, so I looked it up, and apparently it's a gum that was produced and discontinued in the 80's)This bar costs about 105 Yen, which is about $1.05 in American Dollars...
You can purchase it on
Tsunami.Hk for
$6.49 or other Look Bars on
Amazon for
Next up is Marukawa Fusen Orange Bubble Gum. This bubble gum comes in little balls, and this box contained 4 pieces. It's basically just a tiny bubble gum that taste like orange...nothing really spectacular :) The packaging is SO cute though! I also like that on their Japanese
website, they have Felix as the mascot...I loved Felix. From the card:
"Orange Bubble Gum| A classic fruity favorite with kids in Japan."

I personally really enjoyed these. It tasted a lot like Tang! You know, that drink mix that your mom always bought, because it was on sale, and it supposedly tasted really good, but deep inside you knew it was that fake orangey flavor. Then later, they switched over to a Monkey logo. Now even though I bash on Tang, I quite liked this gum. It definitely wasn't made for blowing bubbles, but it does have a unique, orange flavor that I've never tasted in gum before. While chewing on it, it gets mushy and is a very soft chew. The little piece also doesn't produce much gum, but it's perfect for chewing or just swooshing it around in your mouth like I'm doing right now :)
Mom: Too Sour.
Dad: Fake orange flavoring, but still good.
You can purchase an 8 pack of this gum on
Amazon for $1.89
plus $2.99 shipping making this box
$0.61 :) Also, you can purchase a mixed variety of this gum on
21Food.com for $1.28 + shipping.
Next is this package of Koala's March (or March of Koala) cookies from Lotte. These cookies are in the shape of a Koala, and have a creamy chocolate center. These are sort of like Hello Panda by Meiji which I buy ALL THE TIME. I love them! They are printed with various pictures of Koala Bears doing random things...awesome! From the card:
"Koala's March| Chocolate cream filled cookies! Did you know there are 365 koala stamp designs?"

Mmmm, a Koala cookie for every day of the year, I could dig that. These, of course, were perfect in my book. They were just like Hello Panda! :) I loved them!
Mom: Good
Dad: Center tastes like very cheap frosting.
A bag of 12 of these (from Lotte
website) cost 450 Yen, which equals to about $4.51 in American Dollars, making 1 pack about
$0.38 You can also purchase the same bag of 12 on
Amazon for $15.99 or a 1.45 oz box on
VeryAsia for $1.75

Next up are two Ultra Mini bags of Kaki No Tane by Denroku. These little bags contain Kaki No Tane, which are persimmon seeds, and roasted peanuts. They look like mini airplane snacks! From the card:
"Kaki No Tane| A mix of spicy rice crackers and peanuts. Kaki No Tane means persimmon seeds because the crackers look just like it!"

Personally, these didn't do it for me. I apparently don't like Persimmon, in which I never had before. I did however like the peanuts. The crackers were a little weird for me, the spice was more like cumin, or something else that I just don't like.
Mom: Lame...
Dad: Not bad, I like the Persimmon.
A bag of appx. 20 of these, mixed variety
goes for about 294 Yen, which is $2.95 in American Dollars, I think. Making each single packet about
$0.15 which is $0.30 combined. You can purchase a 10 pack of 82 g bags on
Rakuten for $9.82.
Next in the box is this package of 2 Senbei crackers! These look like plain crackers, but are very different than crackers. From the card:
"Senbei| The classic rice cracker. Crispy and seasoned with soy sauce. A popular snack to serve to your guests with hot tea."

It looks like a little bread :) But it sure doesn't taste like one. This was very weird. It was VERY salty, and tasted like what a match smells like when it's burnt. Weird? I know... the soy sauce really stands out with the salty flavor. I wasn't a fan. But hey, that's the joy of trying it out, right? :)
Mom: Serve biscotti with tea, not rice cakes, these are boring! (Her response after I read the description to her)
Dad: Nice and light!
Now, unfortunately I can't price this for you, because I'm not sure of the name. I'm going to throw a
$0.50 price tag on it because that's how much it seems to be for me :)

The next candy in the box is this Uha Tokuno Milk Hardcandy. It's a little ball of creamy deliciousness! From the card:
"Milk HardCandy| Milk candy may not seem initially appealing, but you'll be pleasantly surprised by the milkshakey taste."

I really really loved this product. I thought it was so creamy. I really couldn't think of what it tasted like until my dad blurted it out. SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK! Of course! It is such a good, different alternative to Werthers Originals or even Jolly Ranchers.
Mom: Gross... (she's fussy)
Dad: Sweetened Condensed Milk, good!
You can purchase a bag of these, with roughly 22 pieces in it for $6.34 on
Amazon. Making this sample size about

Next were these freaky things called Umaibo! This is a small puffed corn snack that comes in some WEIRD flavors! If you'd like to see some of those flavors, click
here. I received 2 different flavors, teriyaki burger and tonkatsu sauce. I wasn't sure what the second was, so I looked it up and found it to be a worcestershire sauce. Weird... anyways from the card:
"Umaibo| A puffed corn snack that comes in an array of food flavors like takoyaki, shrimp & mayonnaise, Pizza, and curry!"

I believe the first is the Tonkatsu Sauce, and the second is Teriyaki Burger. Either way, we all thought these were gross. I would have loved getting the pizza flavor. I think that this stuff is weird in texture, and weird in flavor. The packaging is very neat though! I love it :) My dad said the second one was better than the first. I'm not sure I'd get these again, unless I got the pizza. :) They even have a salad one!!!
You can purchase a 30 pack of the teryaki burger on
Marukai for $7.14 making these samples $0.24 a piece, so
$0.48 altogether!

Next is one of my FAVORITES EVER! It's Haichu! These are the Japanese version! I get the Americanized version at my local Ocean State, and they're amazing. I unfortunately didn't take a picture of them out of package, because they were too delicious to just sit there. I did find some differences between the 2. The Americanized version has the white coloring on the outside, and the various coloring on the inside, while the Japanese version is the opposite. These are like Starbursts on steroids. That's how I always describe them. From the card:
"Haichu| A soft chewy fruit candy. Originally developed as edible gum!"
I didn't even let my parents TOUCH this beauties. These were strictly mine. I loved ever minute of them. They're so juicy and mouth watering with the perfect texture. The chew is amazing. I would buy these again, and again.
You can purchase these on
Tsunami.HK for $7.99 with about, estimating, 20-30 pieces. Making each sample (based off 25 in a bag) about
$0.32 and a total of
Here we have Marble Chocolate by Meiji! I've had Meiji products before (Hello Panda to name one...) and loved them. These are little round discs, sort of like M&M's but a little thinner. They come in cute, pastel colors, with pictures of dogs printed on them. I didn't know this because all of my candies were faced down I guess, when I poured them on the plate :P From the card:
"Marble Chocolate| Candy covered chocolates, similar to M&M's."

I love that the colors are different than M&M's. These are pastel, while M&M's are normal. I think these were pretty tasty! I've come to notice that Japanese treats have some chocolate that's less sweet than American chocolate. It taste very different, but not in a bad way!
Mom: Tastes like cheap chocolate.
Dad: Not wicked sweet, tastes like Hershey Buttons.
You can purchase a 12 pack bag of these on
Meidi-Ya for $6.90, making 1 pack about
$0.58 :)

Next are these little things called Choco Balls. They're little chocolate balls with almonds in the middle. They're actually made from the same brand that makes the Hi-Chew's! From the card:
"Choco Ball| A bite sized chocolate ball with an almond in the center."

These were delicious! They had that light chocolate flavor as the chocolates before, but had the added crunch of the almonds, which was good. I personally like the light chocolate flavor. These were perfect in my opinion! :)
Mom: Alright, kind of dull.
Dad: Alright, taste a lot like theater candy.
Looking it up, these actually are NOT almonds like the card states, they're actually peanuts.
I also couldn't find this size pouch, but you can buy a 4.4 oz box on
Amazon for $9.49, I'm going to price these at
Last but not least is this W Air-In Plus Plastic Eraser! It's a very soft, rubber like eraser that, I'm not sure why, smells amazing. Basically this is made with a neat Air composition. It gives you a lighter feel, while erasing cleanly. On their website, it says "The feeling of always erasing with a clean sharp edge". From the card:
"Air-In Eraser| Japanese erasers are lifechanging. You're welcome."
I used this, and it does erase better than a normal eraser, however I don't find the infatuation with it to be honest. I do love it though, but it's not necessarily life changing. :)
I couldn't find a price for this, or a site where you can even buy it, so as painful it is to me not to be able to find it for sale, I think it's cool that I can get a product I would have never known about! :) I'm going to price this at
$1.00TOTAL: $11.77While I did total it up the best I could, I don't think you can actually total a box like this. It's more about the experience of getting some new items from a different place. I personally wouldn't care if my total for the box came to $4.00 and I paid $12, as long as I'm getting new items and foods to try and indulge in, I'm fine. I really loved this box,and I honestly can't wait to subscribe to it! :)
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